What Makes Lawyers So Challenging?

What makes lawyers so challenging? No, this is not the beginning of a lawyer joke! Rather it's the question that was answered at an informative session held at the Practising Law Institute in New York City.  As part of a day-long program on legal project management, the organizers asked Mark I. Sirkin, Ph.D., to speak... Continue Reading →

Planning Fallacy and Bad Estimates

It turns out that lawyers are human after all - at least with respect to their all too human inability to plan appropriately.  Heidi Grant Halvorson recently published an interesting post on the planning fallacy, which is what psychologists call the inability to estimate accurately how much time an activity can take.  Halvorson's review of... Continue Reading →

Hardwiring KM Into Your Client Work

If you want good knowledge management results, you have to find a way to bridge the divide in your colleagues' minds between getting their job done and doing KM. If they have a choice between racing to meet client needs and stopping to select and contribute content for the KM system, they will choose their... Continue Reading →

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