New York, New York

They say that the three most important factors in determining the value of a property are "location, location, location." We've certainly learned the truth of that old adage this week. We were among the lucky ones who live in a New York City neighborhood that did not lose electricity. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for... Continue Reading →

JAG Connect:Army Lawyers go Social #ILTA12

Col. Scott Reid is the Chief Knowledge Officer of the US Army JAG Corps. The JAG has about 2,500 lawyers, plus almost an equal number of support staff, plus the same number again in the reserves. Their offices are in 21 countries. [These are my notes from the International Legal Technology Association's 2012 Conference 2012.... Continue Reading →

Surviving Social Software Fatigue #e2conf

Alan Lepofsky (Vice President and Principal Analyst, Constellation Research, Inc.) discussed some of the challenges facing social software and how to address information overload. His excellent slides are available on Slideshare. You can reach him on Twitter: @alanlepo. [These are my notes from the Enterprise 2.0 Conference 2012 in Boston. Since I'm publishing them as... Continue Reading →

Building Intelligent Organizations #e2conf

Sara Roberts (President/CEO, Roberts Golden Consulting, Inc.) and Dr. Margaret Schweer (Managing Principal and Researcher, Tammy Erickson & Associates) are the speakers. This session focused on some "deeply embedded organizational assumptions that are no longer valid ...and why they are no longer relevant." They also discussed how "organizations will need to evolve to become Intelligent... Continue Reading →

Collaboration Readiness #e2conf

Sara Roberts (Roberts Golden Consulting) moderates this session involving Lisa Bonner (AVP, Contemporary Work Practices, The Hartford Insurance Company), Erin Grotts (Director of Internal Communications and Collaboration, SUPERVALU) and Dan Pontefract (Head of Learning & Collaboration, Telus). [These are my notes from the Enterprise 2.0 Conference 2012 in Boston. Since I'm publishing them as soon... Continue Reading →

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