My ClawBie Nominations

December is the month for nominations for the Canadian Law Blog Awards (or CLawBies). In typically understated Canadian fashion, bloggers are asked to nominate other blogs and bloggers of note, and to modestly refrain from plugging their own work. In the spirit of the season (and of these generous awards), here are my nominations:

  • What smart person would fail to read a blog entitled Wise Law Blog?  Not this one!  Great writing covering a range of legal and political topics is the highlight of this blog.  As an added bonus, Gerry Wise includes news from both sides of the 49th parallel.
  • To be honest, “style” is not a word I regularly associate with the law.  However, I’m prepared to believe that lawyers can be stylish when I read Precedent.  News, comments, gossip and amusement – that’s the bill of fare the writers at Precedent offer.  And, it’s fun to boot.
  • Connie Crosby is a self-professed “Info Diva” who covers a broad range of topics stretching from social media to classic librarian issues.  In the process, she leverages her deep knowledge of lawyers and law firms to keep her posts relevant for those of us in the legal industry.

Finally, how can a blog post discussing Canadian legal blogs fail to recognize the category-busting blog that is astonishing in its range and depth.  I’m speaking, of course, of  It is an amazing resource for lawyers and other folks interested in all things legal.  To the marvelous team of bloggers at Slaw, all I can say is thanks for another terrific year of entertaining and educational posts.

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