Your Team Needs a New Year Refresh

While you may be ready to take off like a rocket this year, that isn't enough to guarantee professional success. Even if you personally are firing on all cylinders, you will be hampered if the same cannot be said for each team of which you are a part.

Frans Johansson Keynote #ILTA12

Frans Johansson is an innovation expert and author of The Medici Effect. As CEO of The Medici Group, he leads a team which helps clients improve their innovation efforts through an approach they call Intersectional Thinking: Your best chance to innovate is at The Intersection. Here, concepts from diverse disciplines, fields, and cultures collide to... Continue Reading →

When Collaboration is For the Birds

Collaboration is key.  We're told by social media mavens that it powers networks and unlocks the potential within individuals and the groups with which they associate.  However, collaboration is not always an unalloyed good. Sometimes it can go badly wrong. Now, before you throw me out of the social media club, consider the following: collaboration... Continue Reading →

SharePoint Collaboration [LegalTech 2011]

SharePoint Collaboration Across Your Team. Panelists: Meredith L. Williams (Director of Knowledge Mangement at Baker, Donelson) and Steve Fletcher (Chief Information Officer at Parker Poe). [These are my notes from LegalTech NY 2011.  Since I'm publishing them as soon as possible after the end of a session, they may contain the occasional typographical or grammatical... Continue Reading →

Collaboration for Good

In a world of fierce competition, it's marvelous to hear of instances of active cooperation and collaboration that make a positive difference in the lives of others. During this National Pro Bono Week, I've been learning more about the truly impressive work of a nonprofit organization call Pro Bono Net. This innovative, award-winning organization uses... Continue Reading →

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