Your Team Needs a New Year Refresh

While you may be ready to take off like a rocket this year, that isn't enough to guarantee professional success. Even if you personally are firing on all cylinders, you will be hampered if the same cannot be said for each team of which you are a part.

Doing Office Time

Law firms are steadily increasing the number of mandatory days in the office for employees. But do their reasons make good business sense?

Engaging the Elephant

In a time of economic and political upheaval, we need a better understanding of how and why people change. Traditional change management initiatives are not enough. The secret to successful change is engaging the elephant.

Exercising Influence

Working with constant interruption and too little sleep has an impact on the body similar to alcohol and substance addiction. It also results in bad work product and workplaces. Partners must step up to lead change.

The Comfort Delusion

The last few years have been hard. But returning to the office will not automatically restore your comfort. We are different people post-lockdown. Our offices and work expectations must adapt.

Becoming a Robot

Your employer has a secret fantasy: they wish you were a robot. But what if a robot can't do your job right now? Then expect your employer to use software tools and techniques to prod you to behave more like a robot and less like a human.

Move More

For years, doctors have advised patients to move more in order to enhance their physical health. Perhaps we should be giving this advice to employees to enhance their financial health, career prospects, and wellbeing.

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