Great 2.0 Adoption Council Workshop

Today marks the official start of the Enterprise 2.0 Conference in Boston.  However, several folks lucky enough to arrive early were able to attend a full day workshop sponsored by The 2.0 Adoption Council’s Practitioners’ Workshop.  Susan Scrupski (@ITInsider) and her colleagues organized a full day in which early adopters of E2.0 tools gave presentations and led discussions on the challenges and opportunities they had experienced being in the vanguard of E2.0 adoption.

As you will know from my earlier post, Where’s the E2.0 Beef, I’ve been concerned about the perception that E2.0 is all hype and little adoption.  One of my reasons for attending the E2.0 Conference was to test this perception and to learn from others the most successful path to widespread adoption within an organization. Yesterday’s sessions provided a good start to that effort.

For those of you who were unable to attend, here are links to my earlier posts on the workshop.  In the interests of full disclosure, I should tell you that they are straight notes (lightly edited) rather than reflective pieces.  I’m hoping to return to this material later and write more, once I’ve had a chance to think about it further.  In the meantime, I’ll continue to live blog and tweet the conference so we all can work with these excellent materials.

Thanks to The 2.0 Adoption Council for a great day!


My Workshop Notes:

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