Linear is Not Always Best

Our society has made a fetish of linear thinking. We’ve been trained to expect that A will lead to B, which in turn will lead to C. We breathe a sigh of relief whenever we experience what Webster’s New Millennium Dictionary of English describes as a “step-by-step progression where a response to a step must be elicited before another step is taken.”  All of this is deeply comforting — even when it is not entirely appropriate.

In the June 2009 issue of KMWorld Magazine, Dave Snowden recounts an experience from the beginning of his career in which he elected to design a new system in a manner that didn’t fit well within established design methods.  He was creating something that had never existed before and decided early on that IT’s usual linear approach wasn’t going to work.  In fairness, it sounds like he initially did try to conform.  However, once he set about to gather requirements he quickly discovered that

…few if any of the users had any idea of the capabilities of software.  As a result, if you asked them what they wanted, they told you what they currently did, or asked for automation of existing processes.  To use an adage of that time, `Users say they know what they want until they get it, and then they want something different.

Instead of IT’s traditional linear approach, he adopted an iterative method whereby he and his clients engaged in a more curvaceous  “co-evolutionary process” to develop the new system.  Drawing on his own substantive experience of the work his clients were trying to do, he approached the design effort in the following way:

…I could talk with the users in their own language; go away and develop a module with real data; and create reports, monitoring screens and other processes based on a synthesis of my knowledge, the stated needs of the client and my knowledge of the technology.  The application would work in novel ways, users would find new ways of working, and modifications would be agreed upon.  Over the course of a year, a powerful application emerged that was very different from anything that either the user or I could have defined.

In many ways, this is a textbook description of how to implement social media tools within the enterprise.  Work iteratively with your users, create opportunities to learn from each other and from the tool using a series of “safe-fail” experiments, stay in beta for as long as it takes to reflect user reality in your tool, and don’t be afraid to step off the straight and narrow path of linear thinking.  To be clear, this is not a recommendation that you abandon all logic in your design and implementation.  Rather, it is a reminder that there can be great beauty and greater rewards in following a more circuitous route.

[Photo Credit:  Headsqueeze]

13 thoughts on “Linear is Not Always Best

  1. Liked reading this post. And believe in what it advocates too! Of course, we need to learn to handle folks who cannot work without clear and concise plans before we begin our 'projects'. Like I was musing the other day on Twitter…we need to learn to live with ambiguity and not demand a conclusion on each and everything.

  2. Thanks, Nimmy. As the world becomes increasingly complex, it will be harderto find linear plans that allow us to operate effectively, That's when itreally helps to be comfortable with the ambiguity of working iteratively.- Mary

  3. Ain't it the truth! Designing or developing anything new needs to be an iterative process, not linear. Iteration is key to the Agile software development methodology which is being adopted widely because the resulting software is more likely to meet the users needs (and for other reasons as well.) Admit it, it's impossible to make perfect decisions and assumptions along the way and using an interactive approach affords us the opportunity to refine those decisions.

  4. That's so true, Janet. The key to this, however, is bringing some of theperceived discipline of linear thinking to the more free-form iterativeapproach. Otherwise, how on earth would we ever deliver projects on time?- Mary

  5. I have to say, I'm having trouble getting this–perhaps because I'm attempting to understand a non-linear process with linear thinking. Do you have to think non-linearly to understand non-linearity? How is Dave's design process non-linear? Working iteratively sounds fairly linear to me. What is non-linearity, anyway?

  6. At the risk of putting words in Dave Snowden's mouth, my sense is that inits simplest terms a true linear process would suggest that we gatherrequirements, set our goal and then march through the plan step by dependentstep until we've provided the deliverables necessary for the goal. My takeon the process Dave used is that he started with the realization thatneither he nor the clients truly understood what the right goal was, socoming up with a detailed linear process was going to be difficult.Instead, he listened to them, went off and designed something, brought itback for them to try, and then went off again to implement the improvementsthey requested as they learned to work with the tool. It sounds like thismore circular process was repeated several times, producing incrementalimprovements, until they ended up with a tool that did more and better thanthey could have conceived at the beginning.- Mary

  7. This is just a repetative linear process understanding that the first attempt, second and maybe many more do not accomplish the best way of resolving a problem. Many IT types do not understand the needs of the client (who doesn't understand IT) and most clients are handcuffed by their lack of knowledge of what IT and programs can really do. Some clients believe that there are limitations to IT that, in fact, do not exist. It is only their limited knowledge of IT and their arrogance that their knowledge is substantial that restricts them from asking for what they really could use in the first place.

  8. Riong – I'm willing to admit that there's plenty of ignorance on both sides of the IT/client discussion, but that doesn't let us off the hook. If a lay person came to me with a legal problem and a desired outcome (i.e., success), I wouldn't condemn the client for failing to understand and propose all the appropriate legal theories that might advance their position. That's my job – just as it's my job to ensure the client understands what I'm talking about. (It's a form of informed consent.) Similarly, the burden still lies on IT to find more creative ways of interacting with their clients so that they actually deliver what the client needs rather than just what the linear plan dictates. – Mary

  9. I just ran across (via @cubistscarboro) a blog post ( by Dave Cormier (@davecormier) of Edtechtalk regarding the difference between straight (i.e. linear) and curvy knowledge – and its impact (as well as the use of open educational resources) on education. The discussion on the differences – keeping planes in the air vs. a group of 12 year olds trying to connect to history – also shows there are times when you need don't need to be straight.

  10. Thanks for this link, Theron. It's an interesting piece. I'm not sure I entirely buy the straight vs curvy types of knowledge, but I do think there are straight and curvy ways of conveying and acquiring knowledge. And, each should be deployed as most appropriate to serve the interests of the student. Could we implement a similarly flexible approach to IT projects?- Mary

  11. Riong – I'm willing to admit that there's plenty of ignorance on both sides of the IT/client discussion, but that doesn't let us off the hook. If a lay person came to me with a legal problem and a desired outcome (i.e., success), I wouldn't condemn the client for failing to understand and propose all the appropriate legal theories that might advance their position. That's my job – just as it's my job to ensure the client understands what I'm talking about. (It's a form of informed consent.) Similarly, the burden still lies on IT to find more creative ways of interacting with their clients so that they actually deliver what the client needs rather than just what the linear plan dictates. – Mary

  12. Thanks for this link, Theron. It's an interesting piece. I'm not sure I entirely buy the straight vs curvy types of knowledge, but I do think there are straight and curvy ways of conveying and acquiring knowledge. And, each should be deployed as most appropriate to serve the interests of the student. Could we implement a similarly flexible approach to IT projects?- Mary

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